Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Worlds Unknown

Last night, for the first time that I can ever remember, I had a dream about dolphins. There were hundreds of them, their shiny, slippery, satin skin touching mine as I dove and jumped with them. They accepted me, played with me, spoke to me without words, and protected me. It is evening now, and I am still smiling about that dream.

Once, I did swim with dolphins. I lived in Florida and went out swimming in the Gulf of Mexico by myself. I swam out far, too far. I was worried, but at the same time I wasn't, I wanted to push myself out farther than I had ever been before. I am like that. I push myself a lot. I saw a black fin come towards me. I was sure it was a shark and that I was going to die. I simply accepted it and went still. In my experience, dolphins were NEVER black. This one was. And soon, there were followers, and soon, they were swimming with me and I kept pace for a minute...and then they sailed onward. It was a moment that no one else witnessed, a moment I don't share very often. A moment that was pure and radiant for me.

To see a dolphin in your dream symbolizes spiritual guidance, your intellect, mental attributes and emotional trust. It has also been said that a dream about a dolphin suggests that a line of communication has been established between the conscious and unconscious aspects of yourself. Dolphins represent your willingness and ability to explore and navigate through your emotions. As I close this time in Switzerland, I can say that this has absolutely been the case for me.

Dolphins are also representative of the Gods and it is said that to dream of dolphins--is to dream where they can lead you to worlds unknown. I move, in two weeks, to a country that I have never before set a foot. It is an unknown world and I am ready to take it. I am ready to push myself farther than I have before.

(Book suggestion: Ring of Endless Light by Madeline L'Engle--one of those books that changes your life as a young kid.)


JonJon said...

Mmmmm. I had a dolphin dream a little over 2 years ago during a key transitional time in my life that ended up transforming my life in ways I could never have foreseen. It was when I first started allowing myself to experience and feel and explore my emotions. So beautiful. Thank you for reminding me of that. :)

jo said...

that book absolutely changed my life forever. i read it when i was nine, and i've loved it ever since.

sammy said...

i had never heard about the symbolism with dolphins.

i rarely dream and when i do, i barely remember them.

you definitely are brave because i would NEVER swim in the ocean. i was traumatized as a young boy by a jellyfish, something pinching my brother, and a stingray.

where are you moving to?

JMH said...

This story is so cool. It's the kind of moment -- from death to life in a few seconds -- that probably changes a person for good. On foot, a few years ago, I almost got hit by a car running a red light, but I've never dreamed of a pod of cars, their shiny, slippery, satin paint driving with me, honking and splashing in the snow melt.

Stella said...

Jon, that is so amazing. Before two nights ago, I don't think I've ever even considered thinking about dolphins in a dream...but sometimes, just sometimes I like to give things meaning.

Stella said...

Jo! Me too. I identified with the main character and all she was doing so much. I still remember the way that book made me feel and what it made me think and how I wanted to date someone just like Adam (I think that was that character's name!)

Stella said...

Sammy...brave might need to be replaced with impetuous and carelesss!

I'm moving to southern Portuga (the Algarve!)l....right on the beach, but I'll always venture back each year to Switzerland for the chocolate :)

Stella said...

JMH--there is ALWAYS tonight.

Katie said...


I have been thinking about that line of communication between the conscious and the unconscious lately, how there is something holy about it, the closest thing to prayer that I can understand.

Tracey Axnick said...

This is most interesting... my son had a dream not long ago that he was feeding dolphins oranges. Apparently the dream was so real when he woke up he thought it had really happened and it was a memory, rather than a dream. Odd....

Stella said...


Tracey--you should tell him about the symbolism--sounds like he's in tune with himself?!